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Book and BSc project

Published work: Recognitions



Interaction between Seawater and Basaltic Glass in Surtsey and the Effect it has on the Geothermal Seawater within the Island

The geothermal system in Surtsey has been monitored well and in 1979 the first drill hole with the name SE01 was drilled in the island. Data from SE01, both drill core and water samples have given a lot of information on alteration of basaltic glass to palagonite. In the summer of 2017 three more holes were drilled in the island, two vertical and one diagonally. In this essay the chemistry of palagonitization is explained as well as the geothermal system in Surtsey is discussed in detail. Furthermore, the minerals that were found in past research are emphasised. Water samples from the diagonal hole which has the name SE03 is chemically analysed. Three models were made at 50°C, 100°C and 150°C for the chemistry of this condition and different ratio of basaltic glass to seawater. The data is then compared to the models to deduce the ratio of basaltic glass to seawater and how much impact dissolvement of basaltic glass has on the water chemistry in the system. This essay is my contribution to a larger research concerning the drilling project of 2017.



In 2020 the Icelandic Youth Environmental Association published a handbook in advocacy for the environment.

It was written by Pétur Halldórsson and me, Þorgerður M Þorbjarnardóttir.

The book is written to make advocacy more accessible for youth with methods that are based on experience which we, the authors, have gained through participation in the organization’s activities. 

Examples of what can be found in the handbook:

  • How to write public comments

  • How young people can increase their influence and credibility when interacting with governments

  • Information about governance networks and democratic legitimacy

Published work: Skills
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